Review Queue
Review queues
What are review queues and how do they work?
The moderation queue is a streamlined way to manually moderate content. It’s an optional addition to the automated moderation.
Submit content
Content submitted through the moderation endpoint will enter the queue based on the queues filter.
Take actions
The queue is a list of content that needs to be moderated. You can take actions on the content, such as approving or rejecting it.
Resolve content
The goal is to resolve all content in the queue. Once all content is resolved, the queue is empty. Items can be resolved by certain actions or by resolving them manually.
Some of the things you can do with review queues:
- Review content before it’s published
- Perform a manual review of content that was automatically rejected
- Review content that was flagged by users
- Ban users that are submitting unwanted content
- Improve your models by correcting mistakes
- Get insights into the content that is being submitted
Handling user flagged content
A full guide for setting up a queue and submitting content to it from your app.
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